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"Выпуск раскладки клавиатуры Ручей 1.4, упрощающей ввод спецсимволов "
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. "Выпуск раскладки клавиатуры Ручей 1.4, упрощающей ввод спецс..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (233), 06-Сен-22, 11:28 
       The  X  library,     libX11, provides a simple input method    for characters
       beyond those represented    on typical keyboards using  sequences  of  key
       strokes that are    combined to enter a single character.

       The compose file    is searched for    in  the    following order:

       -      If  the  environment variable $XCOMPOSEFILE is set, its value is
          used as the name of the Compose file.

       -      If the user's home directory has a file named .XCompose,    it  is
          used as the Compose file.

       -      The  system  provided compose file is used by mapping the    locale
          to a  compose  file  from     the  list  in    /usr/local/lib/X11/lo-

       Compose files can use an    "include" instruction.    This allows local mod-
       ifications to be    made to    existing compose files without    including  all
       of  the    content    directly.  For example,    the system's iso8859-1 compose
       file can    be included with a line    like this:
       include "%S/iso8859-1/Compose"

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Выпуск раскладки клавиатуры Ручей 1.4, упрощающей ввод спецсимволов , opennews, 02-Сен-22, 21:59  [смотреть все]
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